Why You Should Attend a BabySpace Coachella Valley Mommy and Me Group
Welcoming a New Baby
When a baby is born, the imagined baby that has been present in the parents’ minds while in utero or while awaiting adoption placement converges with the actual, real baby who joins the world. Many parents used to say to me, “I thought all newborns looked like chubby, smiling four month olds because those are the babies they use in the diaper commercials…and this newborn baby looks nothing like what I was expecting.”
Just as babies need to be supported, so too, do new mothers.
In the very early weeks postpartum, when you are just getting to know your newborn and coming to terms with what a huge responsibility it is to nurture and care for this tiny, dependent being on a 24-hour clock, it can be an extremely overwhelming realization, no matter how prepared you felt you were for this next phase in your life. As new mothers begin to feel slightly more acclimated to the rhythm of their days, some may begin to want to have some companionship during these long stretches of time that involve little other than caretaking, and the idea of being in community with other new mothers who are also learning the language of their unique, little baby may sound appealing.
Mom Support Groups Near Me
Attending a BabySpace new mothers group is a wonderful way to connect with others and have the opportunity to hear and see what typical development looks like in other babies, especially if a new mother hasn’t had a lot of interaction with young babies apart from the one she has just recently met. A plethora of research highlights the benefits of attending groups to improve the mental health of the mother and the baby, including lowering anxiety and decreasing symptoms of depression simply by being with other new mothers and learning from the wider community.
A licensed mental health professional, Lauren Fox, LCSW, PMH-C, facilitates BabySpace Coachella Valley new mothers groups, and can alternately provide emotional support as well as tangible information about what typical and common development looks like for babies, how mothers and their partners can best support each other and their infant in the weeks and months ahead, as well as support mothers in problem solving the various changes that inevitably occur in the early years of parenting.
Baby Groups Near Me
BabySpace Coachella Valley is different than a group that might meet in a space that is used for multiple purposes like a Church basement or a local community center. BabySpace Coachella Valley is a fully baby proofed area for your baby to grow and explore every week. You can settle in to the adult discussion and observe your baby, knowing baby is safe and able to move freely about the room. You will be amazed at how many women met their first group of mom friends through their local new mothers group and went on to have trusted allies to turn to as their children grew older. Finding a new mother’s group that helps support a mother’s development as well as her baby’s is a treasured gift.
Serving the Coachella Valley and surrounding areas, including: Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells, Thousand Palms, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio, Bermuda Dunes, Coachella, Thermal, Mecca, Desert Hot Springs, Yucca Valley, and Joshua Tree.
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