In Person New Moms Groups in Palm Desert

Frequently Asked Questions

Who comes to New Moms Support Groups at BabySpace Coachella Valley in Palm Desert?

Moms and their babies attend new moms support groups in Palm Desert. Babies will be placed into groups based on their age/adjusted age.

What happens in group?

Mothers and infants both have the opportunity for growth and development. Groups are led by an Infant Mental Health Specialist who supports moms to learn about the individual needs of their baby, presents best practices of infant mental health while also observing the growth and development of the other babies. Moms meet other moms, grow their social support network and see that there is no one way to raise a child.

How often do groups meet?

Groups meet weekly for 75 minutes per group.

How long do groups meet for?

Infant Groups meet weekly until most of the babies are 18 months old. Toddler Labs meet weekly until most of the children are 3 years old.

How much do groups cost?

Mothers commit to a monthly membership cycle of four sessions. Membership fee is $140 per cycle. This is payable regardless of attendance.

What if I know I am returning to paid work outside the home?

Moms are encouraged to join a group for as long as they are able to attend. You will meet the moms in your group cohort and can continue to be in contact. Additionally, some moms have negotiated with their paid work to have the ability to still attend groups with their infant.

What is your sick policy?

To protect the health of all moms and babies, please ensure your baby is fever-free for at least 24 hours before attending class. If your baby has experienced vomiting, diarrhea, or has green nasal mucus within the past 24 hours, we ask that you stay home.

Thank you for respecting our community by strictly following this policy, which helps keep everyone safe and healthy.

We are spending so much money on the baby, it’s hard to commit to yet another financial investment.

It’s true…having a baby is expensive! At BabySpace Coachella Valley, we are so grateful to hear from parents who attend groups say things like “This is the best money we’ve spent since having a baby!” and “I wish this had been available when our older child was a baby, and “I had no idea how much I could learn in group; my confidence has grown so much!”

We also hear from moms who didn’t attend group sharing how much they have learned from their friends who did attend group and would have made a different choice had they known.

I am ready to sign up, but what can I say to help my partner understand the benefits of attending?

Groups at BabySpace Coachella Valley aren’t just for moms, they benefit the whole family. A new mom’s mental health and well-being has a huge impact on her baby and her partner, too. When moms feel empowered and confident, the positive effects ripple through the entire household.

Bringing a new baby into the family is a major life shift. We might think it will be seamless, but once you're in it, the reality often feels overwhelming. Moms especially feel the impact, as they are usually the primary caregivers, navigating an identity shift without the guidance to make this transition easier. That’s why attending weekly groups is invaluable.

We invest so much in education…college degrees, certifications, baby gear…but none of these prepare us for the real journey of becoming new parents. Investing in resources that support you as a new family is truly priceless.

We often get messages from dads and partners, expressing gratitude for what they’ve learned through their partner’s experience in our group sessions. In fact, many moms join because dads have referred them. Groups at BabySpace Coachella Valley offers lasting benefits for the entire family.

What are moms saying about BabySpace Coachella Valley?