Get Ready for Parenting

Four Group Series

*Not a Childbirth Education Class*

Interested in Childbirth Education? Reach out!

This four week group class is designed to support parents-to-be in considering

  • What their infant will need in the early days of the Fourth Trimester from a biological and social emotional perspective 

  • What new parents will need and what systems can be put into place to support their needs for rest and recovery

  • How to reflect on the ways they themselves were parented

  • How to begin to think as a team of two parents against whatever issues arise

  • How to communicate effectively in moments of stress

  • Ways to optimally support your infant's brain development

  • What infant sleep and wake patterns look like

Childbirth Education Classes

Prepare you for Birth

BabySpace Coachella Valley Prepares You For Parenting